Whitewater rescuer course – program C
Fri, 08 May
Dates of course 8.5.2020 – 10.5.2020, 14.5.2020 – 17.5.2020

Time & Location
08 May 2020, 09:00 – 17 May 2020, 18:00
Solkan, 5250 Solkan, Slovenia
About the Event
REGISTRATION ON THIS WEB PAGE IS NOT AN OFFICIAL APPLICATION TO THE COURSE! For that, you need to fill and send application form which will be sent to your Email upon registration above.
Application for training does not mean that you also applied for the exam. The aptitude tests (exams and exams for renewal of license) are organized and carried out by the Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief - Uprava RS za zaščito in reševanje, Vojkova cesta 61, 1000 Ljubljana.
Detailed information on the application, dates, conditions, programmes and rules is available on the website:
Slovenian: http://www.sos112.si/slo/page.php?src=os41.htm
Exam information (English): https://static.wixstatic.com/ugd/0ecc15_02258cff55f648849ea1e55ab8aaabd8.pdf
Exam registration form (English): https://static.wixstatic.com/ugd/0ecc15_06fada000e5047fc82070e97fddddb8a.pdf
We advise you to apply for the exam at the same time as for the training.
Registration to first-aid course and exam: http://tecaji.rks.si/list/2785/?layer=1